
M-Vision Web Design, 486 Delta Queen Ave., Prescott, WI 54021, 612.240.5083,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year! An what a great start to the New Year M-Vision has had!

I am so proud to announce the launch of our newest website His Arms Orphan Mission. This website was not just another project to me. It was one that deeply touched my heart. His Arms is a program that sponsors orphan children in the greater Maseno area of Kenya. It is an organization that is run by TWO wonderful of whom lives in the US and one in Kenya. These two phenomenal women do and live the Lord's work everyday, trying hard to ensure a better life for orphaned children in Kenya. For as little as $20 a month, a sponsor gives not only their sponsor child, but their family, so many basic needs like food, shoes, mattress, medication, and schooling. And these women (along with many Kenyan volunteers) do this for free! As little as 10% of a monthly donation goes to administration fees for postage and transportation. Truly these women, men, volunteers, and children are examples of the Lord's work on earth.

I am truly affected by this website as I have recently become a sponsor myself. I can not express the love and affection that I have for "my child". I love her and her family dearly. My children and myself pray for them all daily. They are truly are apart of our family. In addition, it makes me reflect on the many blessings that my children and I have here in Wisconsin that we so easily take for granted. His Arms Mission is truly the Lord's way of working through us all.

I encourage you to check out His Arms Orphan Mission Program and see for yourself what an impact this program has had on so many children and families.

God Bless in the New Year, Mandy

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