
M-Vision Web Design, 486 Delta Queen Ave., Prescott, WI 54021, 612.240.5083,

Monday, April 11, 2011

March out like a giant lion!

Hello Spring!  Glad to see ya!

So many new things this Spring at MVWD.  Numero Uno - Intern baby!  That's right, just today I met with my brilliant new intern.  Her formal introduction will be coming soon, so I won't steal her thunder.

And - March went out like a lion.  Count 'em - FIVE new sites to share!  WHOO HOO!

Have A Heart Inc, River Falls, WI - props to Amanda Petersen, thanks girl for contacting me!
Clifton Highlands Golf Club, Prescott, WI - thanks again Ryan!  Everyone get out and go golfing and enjoy the weather
Oasis Sprinkler, Prescott, WI - if we have the summer heat again, and your grass turned as dead as mine, call Roger.  He'll literally hook you up with some H2O!
Speed TracX Sports Radar, Prescott, WI - local and global company for digital sports speed radar units.
Croix Insurance, Prescott, WI - they're there when you need them the most.

Please watch for many more great things coming out of M-Vision Web Design soon, especially a blog or facebook post or two from my new intern! :)


Friday, April 1, 2011

Feather pillows + dryer = NO GOOD!

Did you know that feather pillows blow up in the dryer?

Did you know that you can clog a shop vac with feathers?

Did you know that you can start a fire if you don't clean out feathers from the dryer output vent?

Did you know that birds will dive bomb you if you attempt to shake out feathers out of a sheet in your driveway?

Did you know feathers stick to your drive way when it's wet?

Did you know that you can't shake out feathers out of flannel sheets?  Tip:  just throw them away and suck it up and get some new ones.

Have I given you some thought provoking and picturesque views of my morning?



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